> I'm a bit lost in this thread and hope that I'm not repeating what was 
> already said, but there is extensive documentation on this topic in the wiki:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dembassy
> and linked pages. It might be disputable whether tagging consulate generals 
> as embassies in the first level tag though.
> The above mentioned, more verbose  suggestions (sending_country and 
> destination_country rather than the documented "country") make perfect sense 
> also to me

The current state is documented there, yes.

But I think here and not there is the right place to discuss my new suggestions 
(diplomatic:sending_country=<cc> etc.). And amenity=embassy just way to 
specific, nobody wants amenity=consulate_general, ameninty=consulate etc.

On http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:diplomatic is written: „Do not use 
diplomatic=* without amenity=embassy since it is not independently recognised 
by renderers.“ – that is true for now and I want to get rid of this.

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