What is the best way to bring this on a formal way to an official tag?
Is wiki:Proposed_features the right place (it is partly about changing existing 
tags not only about new tags)? Where takes a vote place about this?


> Gesendet: Dienstag, 25. August 2015 um 14:21 Uhr
> Von: serpens-...@gmx.de
> An: tagging@openstreetmap.org
> Betreff: [Tagging] diplomatic institutions (with tl;dr)
> Short introduction: Let’s take the tagging scheme „fuel“ for example:
>   amenity=fuel
>   fuel:diesel=<yes/no>
>   fuel:discount=<discount programme>
>   …
> This is logical and consistent: amenity=xy and then a namespace 
> xy:<subkey>=<Tag>
> ---
> Now to my topic: diplomatic institution – like an embassy, a consulate, 
> ambassador’s residence, honorary consulate, consulate general, delegation, 
> high commission, permanent mission, (permanent) representation etc.
> We have amenity=embassy since long time. Some of these are tagged on top with 
> the (relatively new) key „diplomatic“ too – a very useful key.
> ---
> So I have two suggestions: *FIRST*
> Change amenity=embassy to amenity=diplomatic (this is more consistent and 
> logical, analog to amenity=fuel etc.) or <whatever>=diplomatic. But please 
> not the too specific „amenity=embassy“ – how could I explain a new mapper to 
> tag a non-embassy (like a consulate) as „amenity=embassy“.
> for this, see also proposed features:
> - http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Embassy (and „talk“ 
> page there)
> ---
> Besides the tagging of the type of diplomatic institution it is super useful 
> to tag a machine-readable country code (at least for the sending country). 
> This is done so far via country=<country code>. This is not the best solution 
> because there are very often misunderstandings – which country? The sending 
> country or the destination (hosting) country? Sometimes target=<country code> 
> is used for the destination (hosting / „targeted“) country.
> My *SECOND* suggestion:
>   diplomatic:sending=ES       <--- machine-readable ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 
> country code
>   diplomatic:destination=FR   <---                  -- " --
> It could be also diplomatic:destination_country or diplomatic:target or 
> something like this.
> The destination country is not always identical with addr:country – see for 
> example the embassy of Ethiopia in Berlin (destination countries: Germany, 
> Poland, Slovak Republic and Czech Republic), see 
> http://aethiopien-botschaft.de/
> for this, see also my osm blog (about tagging country codes on embassies 
> etc.):
> - state 2009: http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Serpens/diary/5734 and 
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Serpens/diary/9082
> - state 2015: http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Serpens/diary/28350
> ---
> Because English is not my first language: Dear native speakers, please check 
> if this is correct (sending country / destination country?).
> Taginfo:
> http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/amenity=embassy
> http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/diplomatic
> http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/country
> http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/target
> Best
> serpens
> ---
> tl;dr (sorry for the long post!):
> Example (Spanish consulate in France – CURRENT STATE):
>   amenity=embassy        <--- „oh, look, it’s an embassy!“
>   diplomatic=consulate   <--- contradiction: „uhm, wait, no. it’s a 
> consulate.“
>   country=ES             <--- often misunderstood as „addr:country“
>   name=Spanish consulate
>   addr:country=FR
>   …
> Example (Spanish consulate in France – MY PROPOSAL):
>   amenity=diplomatic         <--- it’s a diplomatic institution
>   diplomatic:type=consulate  <--- more specififc: it’s a consulate
>   diplomatic:sending=ES      <--- machine-readable ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country 
> code
>   diplomatic:destination=FR  <---                  -- " --
>   name=Spanish consulate
>   addr:country=FR
>   …
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