On 8/09/2015 2:16 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

2015-09-07 17:57 GMT+02:00 moltonel 3x Combo <molto...@gmail.com <mailto:molto...@gmail.com>>:

    I don't know of an existing tag. I've searched for 'flow' and
    'up/downstream' in taginfo, but the only thing I found came from
    imports and had very bad values from an OSM POV. Unless somebody has a
    better Idea, I suggest creating a tag.
    waterway:flow=forwards/backwards come to my mind, but that's an
    endlessly bikeshedable topic.

there are some very few occurences of previously mentioned "flow_direction" http://taginfo.osm.org/keys/flow_direction#overview we could also use incline=up/down (is in use, but rarely in conjunction with waterways)

key incline
The use of incline tag is presently for a fixed difference in height over some distance. For tidal flows the incline is not fixed (varies with time, moon position etc), so I would not use this tag.
It goes against OSM present practice.

More often I found the undocumented "oneway:flow" http://taginfo.osm.org/keys/oneway%3Aflow
(there is a oneway restriction in flow direction?) values are yes/no.
The word "oneway" to me imply the direction is one way ONLY.

There are also 634 times "FlowDir" (atypical key name, likely from an import)

Personally from the values in use that I found I'd go with "flow_direction" (values in use are "forward" and "both"), because its not an abbreviation and quite verbose in what it is describing. "oneway:flow" doesn't make much sense to me.

Flow direction is the best of these (so far). It is descriptive of what is to be tagged. It may also be used for other things (carrying anything) .. the tag should not be restricted to just water ... while that is the common application .. why restrict it?
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