Sorry Martin, are you agreeing with me or disagreeing? Supporting or
undermining? It's rather difficult to tell. 

Regarding maxwidth:physical, the examples in the wiki are actually from
Finland where they apparently have explicit signs for the physical


On 2015-09-08 11:50, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: 

> sent from a phone 
> Am 08.09.2015 um 09:09 schrieb Colin Smale <>:
>> This is overloading the maxwidth tag - sometimes it means legal, sometimes 
>> it means physical.
> maxwidth is a legal limit, typically signposted. 
>> This distinction needs to be crystal clear as it can be a matter of life and 
>> death (emergency vehicles can ignore legal limits but not physical ones...) 
>> so making its semantics so context-dependent is not a good idea... 
>> maxwidth:physical is being used to tag the actual available width
> the maxwidth:physical tag was introduced IIRR by Latin American mappers 
> because in their country there are 2 kinds of signposted widths/heights (i.e. 
> in these countries also maxwidth:physical is signposted) 
>> - which by the way is not the same as the distance between the kerbs or the 
>> width of the whole carriageway including paths/grass etc. That may be better 
>> tagged using width=* but the description of that in the wiki is not 
>> particularly clear.
> width is OK in some contexts, but as it refers to the object it is tagged on, 
> it is not working in others like bollards for instance (would denote the 
> width of the bollard, not of the opening). I'd use maxwidth:physical for 
> those cases (even if not signposted). 
> maxwidth:legal is just a synonym for maxwidth (IMHO), rarely used and 
> introduced for symmetry reasons by the people that advocated for 
> maxwidth:physical . 
> cheers  
> Martin  
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