On 30/09/2015 5:47 AM, Christoph Hormann wrote:
On Tuesday 29 September 2015, joost schouppe wrote:
Because they tend to be dry most of the time, and plants tend to
dislike pure salt, they tend to look like a desert.

How should one tag such a thing? I've seen three very different
There is no established tagging for this, none of your suggestions seems
particularly good:

- natural=desert is wrong for the salt flat itself in any case.  If it
is a desert by whatever definition of desert it won't end at the edge
of the salt flat usually.
- natural=wetland means water saturated soil which is correct only for a
very short time span between the water covered state and the dry state.
- natural=water is questionable for areas that are never or only very
sporadically covered by water.

For areas with regular (i.e. seasonal) saltwater cover natural=water +
intermittent=yes/seasonal=yes + salt=yes would be right, otherwise
there is no well matching established tagging.

Lake Eyre in Australia (a very large salt water lake in Australia .. that may 
have water in it once every 10 years) is tagged





That, to me, is suitable as it matches my impression of what it is.

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