On 2015-09-29 17:29, joost schouppe wrote :

I haven't found much about the subject. A salt flat is a large deposit of salt. They are usually where a river ends in the middle of a desert. Or where a valley is completely surrounded by mountains, leaving no way out for any water. So salt starts accumulating as salty waters evaporate. Some of them rarely see any water, others are inundated every year or might be under water a lot of the time. Because they tend to be dry most of the time, and plants tend to dislike pure salt, they tend to look like a desert.

How should one tag such a thing? I've seen three very different ideas:
You might find some inspiration by searching for "marais salant", which is French for similar areas, but fitted for salt production.  The discussions will take you further to tags as salt_pond, natural=wetland and the like.
As salt is cheap, this is just 2 ¢. €¢.


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