In my view we need to tag always one of the following:

   1. The mapper has not made an effort to find the opening hours.
   This could tagged with fixme or note.
   2. The mapper presumes that the establishment most likely follows some
   kind of time table, but the mapper could not find out because there is no
   opening hours table on the premises, nothing on th internet, or, because
   there is no need for it because there are standard rules for this type of
   establishment in this jurisdiction.
   This should be tagged with some value or values of the opening_hours key
   3. Opening hours obtained in one way or the other.
   Tagged with opening_hours key in the classical form.
   4. The establishment has no fixed opening hours, as happens in many
   parts of the world, where the opening hours are very flexible.
   Also this should be tagged with some value of the opening_hours key

On 17 October 2015 at 09:16, Michał Brzozowski <> wrote:

> On Sat, Oct 17, 2015 at 7:15 AM, John Willis <> wrote:
> > I would use:
> >
> > fixme=opening hours not posted. Add hours.
> I purposefully wanted not to use free text. People would write it in
> local language or with typos. You couldn't easily search for that in
> Overpass or JOSM.
> Michał
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