
One of the rules we use is the "one feature, one OSM element” [1]
This makes sense for a lot of elements, e.g. if something has the tag: 
higway=residential it would be silly to also have amenity=restaurant on the 
same element.
But it is not very uncommon to have a memorial that was created as a piece of 
art by an artist. One could tag such an object with:


and of course add other relevant stuff like artist_name etc.

But what should be rendered in such a case? The memorial or the artwork?

Validators often complain in such situations, while humanly speaking there is 
nothing wrong with it.There are numeorus artists who have created memorial 
statues or pieces of art.

What is your solution for this problem?


[1] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/One_feature,_one_OSM_element 
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