Den 29.01.2016 02.21, skrev Mike Thompson:

    > Need rating (difficulty) tag for aid climbing[5]

    Should not be difficult:
    Climbing styles
    or so.

What one person may aid, another may free (I am using "free climbing" in the US sense [1]). A typical route rating would be "5.9/A3 or 5.13" (in the US) meaning if you would free the entire route you would encounter 5.13 climbing, but it could be divided into some 5.9 free climbing and some A3 aid climbing.
Then maybe you could use one tag for each of those grades:
    climbing:grade:aided                     = A3
    climbing:grade: yds_class              = 5.9/A3
    climbing:grade:yds_class[max]    = 5.13

...or something like that.
You might even add a converted grade (although the conversion isn't unique since 5.13 might be anything between 7c+ and 8b):
    climbing:grade:french                    = 5c/A3
    climbing:grade:french[max]         = 8a+


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