
> Op 18 mei 2016, om 17:46 heeft Marc Gemis <marc.ge...@gmail.com> het volgende 
> geschreven:
> Triggered by a discussion on the Dutch forum I looked at the building
> page  [1] again. I noticed a new value: digester
> I wonder whether it wouldn't be better to put this under man_made [2]
> just as we do with gasometer, hot water tank and similar constructions.
> what do you think ?

I think I know to what discussion you refer, and me, too, had some doubts about 
“digester” being a “building”.
But there are more such “mistakes”. To me a greenhouse is NOT a building. Of 
course, it is built, but every "man made" object is built, but that doesn’t 
mean it is to be considered a building.

And as a side note I could say:
Combining man_made=* AND building=* on the same object (as is often done to 
make it appear on the map) is as wrong as using highway=* and waterway=* on the 
same object. It is one or the other, but cannot be both.


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