On Mon, Jul 04, 2016 at 08:26:23PM +0100, Dan S wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't know, but a taginfo search suggests one approach people use
> rather widely is amenity=recycling + recycling=scrap_metal:
> http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/recycling%3Ascrap_metal

The wiki seemed to suggest that was for containers - recycling points
where stuff was left. Which didn't seem to fit.

I used amenity=scrap_yard and scrap-yard=metal until I had something
better. I have just realized that I should really have asked on the
tagging list, so will cc that in.

Thanks for the reply.


> 2016-07-04 20:20 GMT+01:00 ael <law_ence....@ntlworld.com>:
> > I have just searched on the wiki looking for a tag for a (metal) scrap
> > yard. I tried scrap yard, recycling and waste disposal among others.
> >
> > What is the right tag (for an area)?
> >
> > ael

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