On 06/09/16 08:08, Tod Fitch wrote:
There are places in the desert southwest of the United States where the place 
you drive is exactly the water course. And these can extend for miles. Saying 
that one feature on the ground needs to OSM objects because they have different 
properties is bogus: It is one object, you drive on it 99.9% of the time, and 
it carries water 0.1% of the time (percentages arbitrary here and will vary 
from one instance to the next).

"....needs to be separate OSM objects .... bogus...." ? No, sorry Tod, I disagree. The water course is made by a rain event. The road is something we have made, in practice just by driving along there in this case. Both the road and the water course will change over time but possibly independently of each other. A example close to my heart is the road to the Finke Gorge National Park, N.T. AU. About 15 to 20Km from memory. When I first used it, it was almost all through the dry river bed. Over time, some parts are now along the banks and around obstacles. The road is referred to on maps and in National Park rules (etc), the waterway is defined by water flow, governed by the occasional rain event. They have a different history, a different use and a different future.


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