In the local Dutch forum there was a discussion on how to tag what I call busways*.

a) as highway=service
with access=no and bus=yes (or psv=yes)

b) as another highway type, such as highway=unclassified in cities and the country, or highway=motorway_link when it is e.g. a highway ramp. e.g. and

There are examples of both in the Netherlands. While the majority of busways is tagged as highway=service, there are some people who feel very strongly against it.

While I personally prefer the highway=service, the description of highway=service <> doesn't fit it really well: "Generally for access to a building, service station, beach, campsite, industrial estate, business park, etc. This is also commonly used for access to parking, driveways, and alleys."

However, unclassified (the only other possible highway tag if it's not a _link) "doesn't feel right" to me.

Looking at taginfo, the undocumented service=bus has 4462 uses, and is in use globally: service=busway adds another 1400-ish.

I propose expanding the highway=service to roads that are for one very specific, non-general-public use, and the addition of service=bus for roads that are dedicated to buses, with an implied access=no and bus=yes tag.

Any ideas? Suggestions?

Tijmen / IIVQ

* With busways I mean separate roads that are legally (and sometimes by use of a bollard or lift gate also practically) only accessible for buses. This can be a short connection between two roads, but also a mayor stand-alone road netword, e.g. <>. I am _not_ talking about bus lanes nor about guided busways.

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