Earlier I wrote:

> I found many uses of landuse=village_green that _completely_ignore_ the core 
> definition in the wiki!
> I made some screenshotes (from overpass) to inspect (I have used the color 
> red to show the usage):
> https://marczoutendijk.stackstorage.com/s/PruVaYiH5AgdRQO 
> <https://marczoutendijk.stackstorage.com/s/PruVaYiH5AgdRQO>
> https://marczoutendijk.stackstorage.com/s/64YFp8c0jLch6aD 
> <https://marczoutendijk.stackstorage.com/s/64YFp8c0jLch6aD>
> https://marczoutendijk.stackstorage.com/s/YS4ghoklDNdBGSE 
> <https://marczoutendijk.stackstorage.com/s/YS4ghoklDNdBGSE>
> https://marczoutendijk.stackstorage.com/s/FFOD0zEB7KMuudL 
> <https://marczoutendijk.stackstorage.com/s/FFOD0zEB7KMuudL>

> Is that a Village Green according to the wiki?
> Don’t make me laugh!
> What function do the wiki’s have in the OSM world?

From other mappers I heard that the wiki should describe what mappers _do_ map, 
not what they _should_ map.
For landuse=grass there was some debate over the change of the wiki by a user, 
replacing what we do map by what that user thinks we should map.

For landuse=village_green the practical use of that tagging is highly different 
(but not everywhere) from what the wiki states.
Hence I have _added_ a few lines to the wiki, explaining that the use of 
village_green on the map, differs from what’s in the wiki.



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