On Sat, 2017-03-11 at 17:01 +0100, Thorsten Alge wrote:
> Hi,
> there are two type of recycling, container and centre. For a landfill
> one can tag a closed way with landuse=landfill. But for smaller,
> unsupervised dumps (e.g. for green and garden waste) a node tagged
> with
> amenity=recycling & recycling_type=dump would be better in my
> opinion.
Dump is the wrong word. In this context it is an American word, rather
than British, but my understanding of it is that it is where rubbish is
dumped rather than recycled.

The normal term is non-recyclable, but that does not mean landfill. It
could equally be incinerated.

If you mean unsupervised recycling centres, why not use

Phil (trigpoint)

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