Thanks. I did not know that word.
On the German Wikipedia page for "Düker" they also mention this:
"Ein Düker zur Überwindung eines Tales, wie sie schon Römer
<> aus Blei
<>- und Tonrohren bauten, wird eher
*Siphon* genannt."

I would prefer to make it a type of tunnel, not a special type of culvert,
but I would not insist

On 8 June 2017 at 16:54, Wolfgang Zenker <> wrote:

> Hi,
> * Volker Schmidt <> [170608 15:40]:
> > I am looking into how to tag a frequent feature in my area, i.e. a siphon
> > underpass, known in Italian as "botte a sifone" or "botte sifone" and in
> > French as "pont siphon". This is a non.connecting waterway crossing where
> > the lower waterway passes through a U-shaped siphon. The bottom part of
> the
> > U is a tunnel that is lower as the normal level of the waterway.
> > [..]
> > I could not find any tagging schemes for this in OSM, but I may have
> missed
> > them in ignorance of the proper technical terms.
> in German this is called a "Düker". Unfortunately there does not seem to
> be a special term for this in English; all translations that I could
> find used "culvert". I would tag it as tunnel=culvert and suggest to use
> a subtag to specify that it is a special type of culvert, like
> culvert=syphon or similar.
> Wolfgang
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