On 6/15/17 8:38 AM, Robert Koch wrote:
> Hello Richard,
> On 2017-06-15 01:32, Richard Welty wrote:
>> an american usage note:
>> the "standard" hydrant in the US has 2 x 2.5" hose connections
>> and 1 x 4.5" pumper connection. other sizes have existed in the
>> past.
> Which coupling-type do you use? NST
> (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hose_coupling#NST)?
generally NST. the standardization effort in the US started immediately
after the catastrophic 1904 Baltimore high rise fire. companies coming
in from outside of the city found out that their equipement couldn't hook
> If so one would describe this hydrant as:
>     fire_hydrant:coupling_type=NST
>     fire_hydrant:couplings=2.5;2.5;4.5
> Open: How do we reflect the unit? Millimetres won't work for the US.
> Possibilities:
>     fire_hydrant:couplings=2.5";2.5";4.5"
>   OR:
>     fire_hydrant:couplings=2.5;2.5;4.5
>     fire_hydrant:couplings_unit=inch
the norm in OSM usually looks like


but maybe spelled out (inch vs in), i'd have to check.
>> the wrench required for the bolt at the top of a dry hydrant may vary,
>> pentagonal bolts are most common but others have been used.
>> this is something that a mapper can observe, and something that
>> a fireman cares about.
> There is not yet a tag for this. In Austria a typical wrench looks like
> this: http://i.ebayimg.com/images/i/251745653405-0-1/s-l1000.jpg
> The left side is used to open the bolt at the top, while the right side
> can be used to open the cap of the hose couplings.
i'd need to do some research. there are a variety of wrench types available,
you can get an idea from the grainger website:



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