How do you map individual plants with berries of patches with herbs? I need
this for a smal garden with 1 Strawberry plant and 1 grape plant. For the
apple and learn trees in the garden  I can use the tree tag with
genus/taxon. Don't know what to use for the non-trees.


Op 30 jul. 2017 01:13 schreef "Warin" <>:

> On 30-Jul-17 12:04 AM, Tobias Zwick wrote:
>> Thanks for your answers. It looks like it is pretty clear what is the
>> currently accepted tag for orchards then. As for the difference between
>> orchard and farmland - ignoring plantation for its missing documentation
>> and very rare use -, we identified the following key differences between
>> orchard and farmland which should be very clear:
>> - In an orchard, plants are cultivated which are perennial, the plants
>>    have continuance. Usually only the fruit of the plants are picked.
>>    From satellite imagery, orchards usually appear as systematically
>>    planted bushes/trees or rows of hedges separated by corridors (for
>>    machines/workers)
>> - Farmland grows plants that are harvested as a whole (i.e. with
>>    tractors), thus the actual crop can change during the years and
>>    even several times within a year (see crop rotation) as after the
>>    harvest, nothing is left from the plant. On satellite imagery,
>>    they usually appear as an acre, meadow (when fallow) or densely
>>    planted high grass/cereals.
> Some orchards are harvested using tractors too...  so that is not a
> deciding factor of orchard to farmland.
> Crop rotation can be tagged using multiple values
> e.g. produce=wheat;barley Farmers will follow market trends compatible
> with their equipment and farm soil/climate .. fairly consistent choices for
> them.
>> Apart from that, I generally agree with those that answered that they
>> would prefer "produce" - for the same reasons. Especially for things
>> like oil_palms, banana_plants, coffee_plants, vanilla_plants, the
>> various types of berries etc. the "trees" key does not really fit.
>> Moving forward, would anyone think that "produce" is definitely the
>> wrong key to use for detailing on the produce/crop/type of orchards? (I
>> am not rallying to make the other two keys deprecated here, this is just
>> about which of the three keys the app should use to add a tag.)
> The keys 'tree' and 'crop' are not universal to the output of 'farms' eg
> oysters, where as the key 'produce' looks to be universal.
> The key 'tree' is being misused to tag things that are not trees e.g.
> strawberry plants.
> A mapper sees plants in a field and they are worth mapping.
> But in terms of what comes out the farm gate, the produce key is best.
>> Greetings
>> Tobias
>> P.S: Here is a list of different types of produce (of orchards aka
>> plantations) we identified. Currently mostly "translated" to the
>> "trees"-tagging:
> The list is for the key 'crop'.
> And it contains some that could be better - e.g.  crop=walnut_trees ...
> the tree is not the crop/produce.
> It may be possible to have a more structured approach as the table hints
> at with crop=nut.
> For example
> produce=nut
> nut=walnut
> produce=vegetable
> vegetable=tomato
> The OSMwiki page on produce has some more thoughts .. (at least some are
> mine - use with caution!)
>> On 27/07/2017 23:05, Christoph Hormann wrote:
>>> On Thursday 27 July 2017, Tobias Zwick wrote:
>>>> Together with Roland Krüger, I am in the process of letting users of
>>>> StreetComplete, a surveyor app for OpenStreetMap, specify the produce
>>>> of orchards.[1]
>>>> We did a lot of research on which plants are grown on orchards [2]
>>>> and are now at the point where we need to decide how these should be
>>>> tagged.
>>>> Unfortunately, there are *three* competing keys to describe basically
>>>> the same things (for orchards). Neither of these is deprecated, all
>>>> are in use: trees, crop and produce.
>>> Taginfo is your friend to find out what tags are most commonly used.
>>> It tells you on
>>> landuse=orchard + trees=*: 82k cases
>>> landuse=orchard + crop=*: 4.9k cases
>>> landuse=orchard + produce=*: 2.9 cases
>>> and you can also see that genus=* and species=* are much more common
>>> than crop=* or produce=*.
>>> If you look at:
>>> You can see that this tag is most commonly used for farmland.
>>> If you look down the list you can also spot 945 cases of
>>> crop=bananas,_papapyas,_mangos
>>> yas%2C_mangos
>>> which - if you follow the link to overpass turbo - turn out to all be on
>>> an island in Nicaragua in combination with landuse=orchard.
>>> Safe to say that trees=* is the dominating method to tag what is grown
>>> in an orchard.
>>> Note the wiki is currently fairly unclear about the separation between
>>> landuse=orchard and landuse=farmland.  On
>>> it suggests landuse=plantation for fruit bushes which links to
>>> landuse=plant_nursery which is clearly unsuited for this purpose.  This
>>> seriously needs clarification.
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