On Sunday 30 July 2017, Tobias Zwick wrote:
> >
> > That is not really the current use of these tags.  Tea plantations
> > are for example quite universally tagged landuse=farmland and not
> > landuse=orchard.  Same for strawberries i think.
> Hmm, how did you get this information? In taginfo, trees=tea_plants
> and crop=tea there seem to be too few usages to show the
> combinations:
> [...]

These assessments were based on manual inspection and memory of such 
areas and how they are mapped in OSM.

As said before trees=* is mostly used for landuse=orchard, crop=* mostly 
for farmland.  This applies here too.

With such relatively low use numbers you can easily get the data via 
overpass and analyze this directly.

By the way most use of landuse=orchard + trees=tea_plants is by user 
LLAQWA and much of it is from the last week...

Yet another example showing why documenting tags on the wiki is 
important - If you look at http://taghistory.raifer.tech/ for crop=tea  
and trees=tea_plants you can see that trees=tea_plants was much more 
widespread than crop=tea until 2015 and then crop=tea took over, 
especially in 2016.  Neither of these tags is properly documented and 
while landuse=farmland + crop=tea is clearly the dominating tag for tea 
plantations at the moment mappers do not realize this tagging is 
widespread and use alternative taggings, just like they probably did in 
2015/2016 with crop=tea - mostly not because they distinctly want to 
use a certain tag (which would be fine) but because they don't know 
about the pre-existing more established tag.

Christoph Hormann

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