
Le 05. 10. 17 à 12:16, Viking a écrit :
> I really don't understand why so many people oppose this proposal [1] without 
> ever having participated in the discussions
it is indeed strange that no opponent took the time to say during
the RFC arguments that are found now during the vote.

yes the wiki page need a cleaning between the basic tags and
the advanced tags. is it the role of a tag vote to talk about
the layout of the wiki page or should we talk about tag changes ?
imho wiki layout doesn't need a vote, it only need to follow tag meaning

yes the proposal will change many objects but changing 1k objects
or 100k it is the same work when updating an app.

yes it will need a transition period for the few specialized apps
to be updated but it is not by splitting the proposal tag by tag that
it will be better, on the contrary devs will have to do x release 
instead of being able to group them.

There are also hardly understandable arguments as opposed
to the replacement of fire_hydrant:position by location
since they have the same meaning.

ihmo removing the namespace when it is useless and the proposed 
additional (and optional) tags are a heavy but coherent and positive set

Regardless of the outcome of the ongoing vote, I would like to take
this opportunity to thank you for the time you have devoted to it
and for the constructive spirit in the search for a concessus.

I hope that this energy will persist if the current proposal
fails due to "voting-only" people.

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