This is why the ISCED codes exist:,_categories,_and_sub-categories

They are already used in OSM: 

So the original enquiry can be addressed with building=school and

On 2017-12-08 22:30, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

> sent from a phone
>> On 7. Dec 2017, at 19:31, Marco Boeringa <> wrote:
>> Anyway, no tagging scheme for education will ever be perfect, the 
>> differences between individual countries and the usage of specific 
>> terminology is vast.
> while this is true, choosing good names for the tags still helps in reducing 
> misunderstandings. "college" for example is not a very clear term for use on 
> global scale, because it can mean different things in different places / 
> context. Something more abstract like secondary_school or different words 
> like vocational school or professional school, which describe a concept, 
> would IMHO be better than college.
> cheers,
> Martin 
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