Hi all,

recently I came across postal codes in POI addresses, which aren't the classic scheme addr:postcode & addr:city & addr:street & addr:housenumber. However it is a special postcode that is assigned to recipients that receive a big amount of post every day, typically big companies or authorities. This kind of postcode is used only together with addr:city and does not require street and housenumber. So to say the post company has a big sack for post to that special postcode, puts in all the letters that are addressed to it and delivers the sack to the recipient. After some discussion in the german user forum https://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?id=60421 I want to propose a tag for this kind of postcode and would like to discuss it here in the tagging mailing list.

The proposal is:  addr:postcode_major_recipient

It should be used on POIs, because it is an attribute of the company, authority or whatever, but not as an address of a building, because it is not assigned to such directly. Target is to have a separate tag for this kind of postcode to avoid a mix-up with the normal addr:postcode.

As I am not a native British English speaker, I have asked one and consulted the english page of the Deutsche Post. Reference: https://www.postdirekt.de/plzserver/PlzSearchServlet?lang=en_GB -> goto More -> Find major recipient

Probably similar kinds of postcodes exist also in other post companies in other countries, so inputs about that are welcome.

Best regards,

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