> check_date tag is very imprecise. some use it to indicate when they checked 
> the object on the ground without knowing what was checked. 
> others use it to check the date of objects under construction in external 
> sources without verification of the ground.
> I had proposed that we use operational_status:date which has the merit of 
> making it clear that we are want to have the functional test. But this tag is 
> not specific to hydrants, I'm not sure it should be added in the proposal of 
> hydrants.
> I wrote to the author of the proposal operational_status but I did not get an 
> answer. I will ask again and if it does not answer, I will propose to take 
> over the proposal separately from the hydrants.
>What do you think about ?

Ok, let us know about it.

> another think : imho we should remove name as "usefull combination".

+1 I do it, it is a residual of original wiki page.

> also we should remove fire_hydrant:count=* as "usefull combination"

+1 I do it, it is a residual of original wiki page.

Best regards

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