On 13-Jan-18 10:42 AM, Cez jod wrote:
"I don't know if this is a language issue or some peculiarity of  > labelling in 
your country"
In some parts of the world the best quality water available is not safe for drinking, yet that is all that is available so people drink it rather than die from the lack of water. This is not language, cultural nor religious. It is circumstance, usually a combination of weather and poverty.

OSM history is that amenity drinking_water existed long before tap/drinking_fountain/well .. so it is the most numerous tag as that was all that was available to tag these features that are drinking water. Now OSM has some choices as to what tag to use. If you cannot find a more suitable/detailed tag the amenity=drinking_water still exists. Personally I would rather use a specific tag rather than a vague general tag.

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