On Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 3:58 PM, Tod Fitch <t...@fitchdesign.com> wrote:

> On Jan 16, 2018, at 9:43 AM, Paul Johnson <ba...@ursamundi.org> wrote:
> On Jan 16, 2018 05:36, "Stefan Nagy" <stefan.n...@posteo.net> wrote:
> Am 16.01.2018 12:10 schrieb marc marc:
>> we probably need to work on "default values".
>> but no one seems motivated to work on the proposal.
> Is 'default values' a better word for what I called 'implicit values'
> before or are you talking about something else?
> That's how I read it.  Would be handy for situations that frequently come
> up, like the speed limit of an area unless otherwise posted being a
> specific value, or like U turns being blanket banned anywhere with a
> traffic light in the City of Tulsa and State of Oregon.
> I think I’ve seen the question of setting defaults come up several times
> on this list and never get traction. I personally think they’d be a good
> thing to simplify tagging.
> Just yesterday I felt obligated when putting a maxspeed tag on some
> residential streets resorted to also adding a source:maxspeed="California
> vehicle code 22352”. Paragraph 22352 in the California vehicle code
> indicates, among other things, that a unsigned a residential street has a
> 25 mph speed limit. It would be much easier and more encompassing to be
> able to add a tag to the boundary relation for California to indicate the
> default speeds for various highway classes in the state. Not a big deal for
> motorways as there are only a few tens of thousands of miles of those, but
> there has to millions of miles of residential roads in California with many
> (most?) being unsigned. But being unsigned won’t stop you from getting a
> ticket for exceeding the prima facia speed limit so routers and navigation
> guidance applications ought to know about it.

That's a great idea - if we can pick up after the TIGER. Far too many rural
roads are 'highway=residential' otherwise. The TIGER import's highway
classes are NOT grounded in reality.

Nevertheless, for instance, my township has a speed limit of 30 mph except
as posted, and (again except as posted) no on-street parking from midnight
to 6am following a four-inch snowfall. I've never tried to tag any of that
sort of regulatory information, but I can imagine that applying it to all
the streets in the town would be both tedious and unmanageable (the latter
because if the town were to change the ordinance, it would mean updates to
many hundreds of highway segments). That stuff wouldn't depend on highway
class at all, just on whether the road segment is in the township.
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