From: Javier Sánchez Portero <> 
Sent: Wednesday, 23 May 2018 17:27
To: Tag discussion, strategy and related tools <>
Subject: Re: [Tagging] Sample tagging for highways with no lane markings


Anyway, for your example of the LR-333 road, most of the time it isn't enough 
wide for two cars to pass comfortably (see here like the van has to put the wheel in the 
border line and probably stop). In this case, lanes=1, oneway=no is the best 


I agree that for this particular road lanes=1 is appropriate. Some people may 
tag it as lanes=1.5. But I find non-integer values for lanes quite problematic.


You could use lanes:both_ways=1 (in addition to lanes=1) to be explicit about 
it, but that is sort of implied. (In the absence of oneway=yes or an explicit 
lanes:forward or lanes:backward, if the lanes count is odd, it’s assumed the 
middle lane is both_ways while the remaining lanes are evenly split between 
forward and backward).



Would you tag the same in GC-210 road?:

What I suggest is that the tagging division=no is correct for examples like 



This one looks like the prototypical:





I don’t think anyone could argue this is a lanes:both_ways=1 (which would be 
implied by lanes=1 oneway=no, even if not explicitly tagged).




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