Am 08.06.2018 um 11:53 schrieb marc marc:
> Le 08. 06. 18 à 11:34, Rory McCann a écrit :
>> Replicate data from OSM, applying your data transformation programme
> it's already what nearly all use of osm is doing.
> it's named "preprocessor" or alias
> it's waste that nearly all data use need to build their own list.
You are assuming that the data consumers doing pre-processing
could/would agree on a specific way to normalize the data.

I envision very long discussions on the "normalizing" mailing list bike
sheding what landuse=forest should be mapped to :-).

Seriously, in a such attribute rich dataset as OSM, normalizing is never
going to go away for data consumers and wouldn't go away even if we had
a tagging czar and a completely regular tagging scheme. It would be nice
if going forward we don't create more "weird" stuff, but I think that in
general is the case.


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