On 6/24/2018 2:08 PM, Selfish Seahorse wrote:
No, a discount shop isn't the same as a a variety shop. To cite Wikipedia [^1]:
A discount store or discount shop is a retail shop which sells products at
prices that are lower than the typical market price.
Discount stores/shops are not variety stores, which sell goods at a single
price-point or multiples thereof (£1, $2, etc.). Discount stores differ from
variety stores in that they sell many name-brand products, and because of the
wide price range of the items offered.
[^1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discount_store
The idea that a "variety store" must sell at a single price point is
oddly strict. In the USA we have many so-called "dollar stores" whose
prices are not constrained in that way -- they're just typically lower
that standard retail stores. Maybe 20 years ago they more-or-less stuck
to dollar prices. Those days are long over, but they're still operated
in the same spirit. (And even named that way -- Dollar Tree, Dollar
General, Ninety-nine Cent Store -- but many items are priced in the
$5-$10 range.)
Wikipedia even contradicts itself here -- the "discount store" article
claims that a "variety store" only sells at a single price point, while
the photo on the "variety store" page shows a so-called one-euro shop in
Amsterdam pricing goods at 0.99€, 1.49€, 3.49€, etc.
Is there something other than the increasingly bygone single-price
gimmick that we can use to discern between them? If not, I'd assert that
"discount store" and "variety store" are synonyms. ("Wide range" and
"many name-brand products" are pretty subjective.)
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