W dniu 06.08.2018 o 01:48, Warin pisze:
On 06/08/18 09:01, Dave Swarthout wrote:
> I would think a good start would be changing the wiki to make it historic=flood_level, leaving any reference to high (or low) water to be a waterways thing ie the high tide mark.

Before making any changes in wiki I would like to find final agreement on that topic. "Flood level" (highest water table) is usually only one of several informations we can find on "flood mark". Others can be date of flood, inscription, etc.
Physical object mapped in OSM is rather mark, not just water/flood level.
So "historic=flood_mark" is probably more generic.


Very sensible IMO.

Complication .. a historic king tide combined with a storm event may be considered a historic flood level.
But 'normal' high tides should be part of the water way tagging system.

This can be sometimes hard to distinguish. But tide+storm I would consider rather as flood event - probably higher level comparing to periodic tides.
In such a case we can find in on place two types of marks:
* historic=highwater_mark - with information about periodic highest water level (no date provided),
* historic=flood_mark - with information about flood event (with date)
So existence of date on such mark could be a good information for proper tag assignment. I'm not familiar with tides, so please correct me if this is not the case.


On Sun, Aug 5, 2018 at 2:59 PM Graeme Fitzpatrick <graemefi...@gmail.com <mailto:graemefi...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On 6 August 2018 at 02:48, Robert Szczepanek <rob...@szczepanek.pl
    <mailto:rob...@szczepanek.pl>> wrote:

        W dniu 05.08.2018 o 12:23, Volker Schmidt pisze:

            Flood marks and high water marks are not necessarily the
            same thing.
            to get the gist.
            There are ordinary high water marks (and I suppose also
            the opposite, ordinary low water marks) which are based on
            the regular tides in the area.
            A flood mark would be a marker for the water level reached
            in certain, particular events.
            I am not sure about terminology in different
            jurisdictions, but the concept seems to be clear to me
            that there are two different things we want to tag.

        I would like it to be so:
        - flood marks as flood signs,
        - highwater marks as tide signs.
        But even in recent scientific papers this division is not so

        Another issue is that from the beginning, on OSM wiki
        mark related to floods is described as

        What would be the optimal tagging solution from OSM point of view?


    I would think a good start would be changing the wiki to make it
    historic=flood_level, leaving any reference to high (or low) water
    to be a waterways thing ie the high tide mark.


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Dave Swarthout
Homer, Alaska
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Travel Blog at http://dswarthout.blogspot.com

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