2018.08.13. 20:32 keltezéssel, Szem írta:
Tags in summary:
- Roads found in Waterworks area:
access=private, bicycle=permit, foot=permit, horse=no

-Roads on the embankments:
access= private, motor_vehicle=permit, foot=yes, horse=yes, bicycle=yes,
access=permit, foot=yes, horse=yes, bicycle=yes

- Roads in wildlife conservation areas:
access= private, motor_vehicle=permit, bicycle=permit, foot=yes
access=permit, foot=yes


In the page of https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/access%3Dpermit the small counter counts only "access=permit" tag, but these roads doesn't have this tag. Can be converted it to "*=permit" or sg like this? If I change all the roads, it will not look.

When I mentioned the wiki, I meant this page below it:
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:access  -  Access tag values
Can not you put this access value there?



2018.08.12. 23:30 keltezéssel, Graeme Fitzpatrick írta:
On 13 August 2018 at 06:50, Kevin Kenny <kevin.b.kenny+...@gmail.com <mailto:kevin.b.kenny+...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On Sun, Aug 12, 2018 at 9:48 AM Szem <szembiket...@gmail.com
    <mailto:szembiket...@gmail.com>> wrote:
    > I begun to use the "permit" tag, what is the correct tagging for
    these categories?
    > - Roads found in Waterworks area (You could get permit only for
    biking and walking, no cars except for their own ones)
    > access=private, motor_vehicle / vehicle = private ?
    bicycle=permit, foot=permit, horse=no

    Sounds right; no need to tag motor_vehicle separately, since 'access'
    covers all transportation modes that aren't called out separately.

    > - Roads on the embankments (By any motor vehicle without
    permission is forbidden, except for their own ones, other access
    is free)
    > access= private, motor_vehicle / vehicle =permit ? foot=yes,
    horse=yes, bicycle=yes,

    If permission is readily obtainable, then 'permit'. If permission
    happens on a case-by-case basis, 'private' is probably closer.

In cases when only official vehicles (National Parks, Water supply etc) are allowed, I've always called that vehicles=no, working on "/no/ – No access for the general public."?

    > - Roads managed by Hunting Association, wildlife conservation
    areas (Crossing by any vehicle without permission is forbidden,
    except for their own ones):
    > access= private, motor_vehicle / vehicle = permit, foot=yes,
    horse=permit, bicycle= permit

    Once again, if it's "access granted if you comply with the
    formalities", then 'permit', otherwise 'private'.  The Hunting
    Association one sounds as if it restricts access to its own members?
    In that case, it's definitely "private."

& yes, I'd agree that Members only is "private"



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