And again, with a link, this time! =)

> 27 sep. 2018 kl. 18:36 skrev Ture Pålsson <>:
>> 27 sep. 2018 kl. 13:03 skrev Yves <>:
>> Place=locality makes sense, I guess the name is also used for the area close 
>> to the bend by extension.
>> Locality on a node is always troublesome, and I wonder if anybody uses 
>> description=* to describe further the place, here this would be something 
>> like description=river bend. 
> A simple place=locality gives no hint to a renderer that this is a water 
> feature, and I can easily imagine a map style where one wants to do something 
> special with those, like using blue text.
> Look at this example from northern Sweden, where features in the river 
> (Bredselet, Trångforsen and Vidselet) have lent their names, but in different 
> grammatical form, the the nearby villages/hamlets of Bredsel, Trångfors and 
> Vidsel.
> (Follow there river and you'll see several other named rapids (-fors) and 
> stretches of smooth water between them (-sel).

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