On 06/12/18 20:25, Eugene Podshivalov wrote:
Let me clarify the meaning of those Russian words
"пруд" - is usually a natural but modified by a man body of water which is smaller than lake. this is usually translated as "pond" "копанка" - is a very small body of water, escavated by an individual family for private fishing, usually of a square shape about 10x20 meters in size.

Making additional subcategories makes sense only when they are commonly recognized.
Adding language sepecific tag would work better here in my mind:
water=pond + water:ru=копанка
this way we preserve the generic categorization and let it be expanded for local purpose.

With regards to "озеро" (lake) it is even more complecated. In Russian we may call "озеро" both natural and man-modified bodies of water.
So both water=lake and water=pond can be called "озеро".
The afore-mentioned solution could solve it:
water=lake + water:ru=озеро
water=pond + water:ru=озеро

Another solution as suggested in the original post is to introduce some generic (category independent) tag like "name:prefix/postfix" or "type:<lang>" etc. for such things.

Please.. not 'type'.

How about using 'description' ...


    чт, 6 дек. 2018 г. в 04:17, Joseph Eisenberg
    <joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com <mailto:joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com>>:
    For example, in America we can call a waterway=stream a “brook”,
    “creek”, “run” and several other things. These waterways will be
    tagged waterway=stream or =river (depending on size) with
    name=“Bull Run”, =“Walker Creek”, =“Johnson’s Brook”, etc.
    We don’t use waterway=creek or waterway=run because there is no
    consistent difference between these. In fact in Standard British
    English a Creek is often a tidal channel in a salt marsh or mangroves.

If you put “brook”, “creek”, “run” etc. in the name field you will get tautology in search results like: "stream Blue creek". So either all objects should have their category in the name field and the search engine will not add anything or no objects should have category in the name fields and the search engine will take the category from some other field and append it to name. E.g. assume you have name=Blue + waterway=stream + waterway:en=creek, you search for "Blue" and get "Blue creek".

чт, 6 дек. 2018 г. в 10:26, Johnparis <ok...@johnfreed.com <mailto:ok...@johnfreed.com>>:

    Thanks, Michal. Following that link led me to:

    shop=butcher + butcher=pork

    which specifically mentions charcuterie. Presumably covers this too.



    On Thu, Dec 6, 2018 at 8:18 AM Michal Fabík
    <michal.fa...@gmail.com <mailto:michal.fa...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 10:03 PM Sergio Manzi <s...@smz.it
        <mailto:s...@smz.it>> wrote:
        > I have the same problem for some shop categories which are
        not part of the US/UK tradition: an Italian "salumeria" [1] is
        in no way similar to a US "deli" shop...

        Hi, the wiki specifically mentions this and suggests a
        different way
        of tagging American delis:

-- Michal Fabík

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