On 05/12/2018 18:52, Johnparis wrote:
I have just posted another revised version of my proposal on mapping disputed boundaries.

It greatly simplifies the tagging and relation structure.

One thing that would be really helpful would be to summarise those changes somewhere.  There's a whole page at the top of https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Mapping_disputed_boundaries devoted to contents; nothing there suggests what has changed.  The difference between 1.2 and now https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/w/index.php?title=Proposed_features%2FMapping_disputed_boundaries&type=revision&diff=1704857&oldid=1702873 doesn't really help, except to show that the tagging has moved somewhat away from a "rewrite of all OSM boundaries" towards at least some of the tagging that we have now.

Thanks to everyone who gave public and private feedback. I've archived some of the comments that are no longer applicable.

The proposal is here:

Thanks also for adding the https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Proposed_features/ClaimedBorders#Comparison_with_other_proposal section to the other proposal.  I've commented there why I think https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/ClaimedBorders is probably easier to implement, easier to use, and easier to maintain than this one, but there is still some useful detail here - not least the definitions, including things like "Claiming Entity"

Arguably the biggest difference between the two proposals (and between yours and what OSM does now) is that your proposal talks only about land areas - I suspect that that will make yours difficult to implement at all; and (as many people have said) we definitely need a solution here.

Best Regards,


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