Analogy is not right. Not tagging all trailheads with this wikipedia
reference, just the specific limited set fitting this specific concept
described on the wikipedia page.
Any of the existing prefixed keys does not fit either, e.g. brand:wikipedia
or operator:wikipedia is not fitting: it's not a brand and it's not an
operator, it's a concept used by multiple operators (will be 12 operators
in the end).
So you could invent concept:wikipedia and add that to the trailheads using
the concept. What would that accomplish? Exactly the same information, on
exactly the same amount of nodes, just bypassing the existing referencing
mechanisms, making it useless. The prefix keys are useful if multiple
wikipedia references are applicable (according to the mapper).

But again, this is local additional tagging which other mappers may or may
not like.

I would like to focus on the idea of basic mapping of trailheads fitting
all trailheads that mappers find useful to map. The basic proposition is:

highway=trailhead on a node at a (visibly) designated or customary location
for starting one or more trails.
I move to add name=* as important second tag, because I think the place
will almost always have a designated or customary name which makes it that
much more usable for searches, lists and maps, but I understand there are
examples of trailheads without a name.

This covers all trailheads mapped worldwide so far, and excludes locations
where a trail just crosses a road. Of course, the whole thing is not an
obligation. There is no rule that every place fitting the description Shall
Be Tagged As A Trailhead, just the ones mappers find worth tagging.

Op do 10 jan. 2019 om 17:47 schreef Mateusz Konieczny <>:

> wikipedia tag should be on trailhead solely in case where Wikipedia
> article is about this specific trailhead
> AFAIK there is no existing tag to cover linking to Wikipedia pages
> describing type of feature, and
> at least I see no use for it (but feel free to invent new one - though
> sooner or later someone would use it
> to link "Tree" article from every single natural=tree)
> Maybe tagging operator (and operator:wikipedia) will be enough?
> Jan 10, 2019, 5:06 PM by
> No it’s not. Please rethink your analogy.
> Mvg Peter Elderson
> Op 10 jan. 2019 om 13:34 heeft Marc Gemis <> het
> volgende geschreven:
> On the wiki page for the Wikipedia tag [1]
> "only provide links to articles which are 'about the feature'. A link
> from St Paul's Cathedral in London to an article about St Paul's
> Cathedral on Wikipedia is fine. A link from a bus depot to the company
> that operates it is not (see section below)."
> what you do is similar to the bus depot example of what not to do.
> Perhaps you could use "Secondary Wikipedia links" (see [1]) to resolve
> your problem.
> The discussion of the Starbucks usage was a.o. in the thread of [2]
> [1]
> [2]
> On Thu, Jan 10, 2019 at 11:14 AM Peter Elderson <>
> wrote:
> Where can I find that discussion / decision?
> Op do 10 jan. 2019 om 10:16 schreef Marc Gemis <>:
> On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 4:20 PM Peter Elderson <> wrote:
> The wikipedia page is not a list, it is a description of what a TOP is in
> Nederland. A wiki page about trailhead tagging is not the right place for
> that. I think this is within the scope of the wikipedia key.
> Just as it was discouraged (aka "please remove the tags") to tag every
> Starbucks cafe with the Wikipedia link of Starbucks, I think the
> linking an individual TOP point to the general description of TOP
> should be discouraged.
> m.
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