At what size is it that a ditch turns into a drain?

Vr gr Peter Elderson

Op di 15 jan. 2019 om 14:28 schreef Eugene Podshivalov <>:

> The confusion is mainly in the difference between irrigation canals vs
> irrigation ditches and drainage diches vs drains.
> In practice wide irrigation channels are called canals whereas small ones
> are called diches and people tend to tag them as such.
> This tendency is enforced by the fact that canals and diches are rendered
> in difference size.
> IMO there is no problem here, we should just document this usage properly.
> Drainage diches and drains are confused simply because of their identical
> definition on the waterway wiki page
> drain - An artificial free flow waterway used for carrying superfluous
> water like storm water...
> ditch - An small artificial free flow waterway used for carrying
> superfluous water along paths or roads for drainage purposes
> If I did not read their proper wiki pages I would think that they differ
> only in size with ditches being smaller than drains.
> A tricky thing is that both drains and drainage ditches are used alog
> paths or roads but we call it a drain only when it is part of a system of
> collecting and disposing of rain water in an urban area as described at
> So again we just need to properly document the meanings of these tags.
> Eugene
> сб, 12 янв. 2019 г. в 19:40, Markus <>:
>> On Fri, 11 Jan 2019 at 21:03, François Lacombe
>> <> wrote:
>> >
>> > Regarding ditch, it regards both useful and waste water.
>> While true in English usage, waterway=drain apparently was intended
>> for artificial waterways removing undesirable water:
>> See here for the whole discussion about 'How to tag small canals?'
>> from August 2018:
>> If you want to extend the meaning of waterway=drain to also include
>> artificial waterways, how do you intend to differentiate them from
>> waterway=canal?
>> Regards
>> Markus
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