Am So., 20. Jan. 2019 um 18:07 Uhr schrieb Roland Olbricht <>:

> we have here in Wuppertal, Germany at least three indoor-tagged
> structures that have street level entrances at multiple levels, making
> "street level" a not-at-all defined concept.

+1, also from my experience, entrances on different levels are typical for
big structures without a single centralized entrance, like shopping malls
usually are. Different street levels are used to reduce congestions.

I would see the level as indicated locally (on the ground) the most useful
thing to know. This can also deal with things like level B1, B2 for
intermediate levels of smaller buildings parts and similar. Huge structures
sometimes use levels 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ... for the "main levels" (sometimes
with significant bigger vertical floor distances than the 3-4 m that are
the minimum)  but also have numbering for intermediate levels.

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