On Sat, 26 Jan 2019 at 12:05, yo paseopor <yopaseo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> Now I'm tagging with the more detail I can some cycleways in Catalonia. I
> do al the ways, and I cut and mark all the crossings. I do this with the
> formula
> highway=cycleway
> cycleway=crossing
> as a way (like I do other times with
> highway=footway
> footway=crossing
> for mark all the pedestrian crossing. But I have a dilemma. When I want to
> tag the exact point in the cycleway crossing with the road I would use
> highway=crossing
> crossing=uncontrolled
> ...but it is not so detailed enough so I think about a
> crossing=cycleway
The fact that the road is crossed by is crossed by a cycleway is already
defined by the "highway" tags' values of the two crossing highways.
The values of the "crossing" tag describe properties of the crossing
itself, not of the crossing ways.

> crossing=cycleway
> would be a good formula.
> What do you think?

I think it is not in line with existing tagging
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