On 06/02/19 07:59, Paul Allen wrote:
On Tue, 5 Feb 2019 at 20:50, Kevin Kenny <kevin.b.ke...@gmail.com <mailto:kevin.b.ke...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    The tagging mailing list discusses six alternative ways to represent
    the proposed feature. Someone argues that betas don't actually exist.
    Someone else insists that betas are really just another kind of bees.
    A third person insists that there's no way to be certain in the field
    that what you're looking at is a beta, so the proposal should fail on
    verifiability. Another insists that before betas can be mapped, we
    need a whole taxonomy of Greek letters, and the discussion rapidly
    devolves into a long digression about whether θ and ϑ are really the
    same letter because one is printed and the other is cursive.

That's a very idealized description of the process.  It normally doesn't work that well.


The proposal precess is confronting and in most cases less than helpfull.
A simple question of how to map a tree area goes off for how many responses .. demonstrating a disregard for the poster.

And now there is a move not to let people document the tag they create!

This can result in mappers creating tags, as they should and are 'allowed', but being unable to document them, so they cannot map things effectively because they  cannot communicate what they are mapping... so they simply leave OSM. It also results in tags with a lot of use .. but not documented so no one knows what they are ..
and they could now well be not what was indented by the original mappers.

I would advise anyone - if you make a new tag, document it!

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