Peter Elderson <> writes:

> I was thinking further about the idea that came up here: deduct road type
> from the landuse=residential. It's different than current usage, and I dont
> think it is feasable.

I did not mean "deduce road type".   What I meant is that if a road is
at the lowest level of the road network (level5, below ABC and U, to use
UK terms), then I don't see why we should split that into


as part of the fundamental road type.  Both are minor, not used to get
from here to there, and one has houses, and the other doesn't.  But we
don't have


even though in the US that makes just as much sense as
level5_residential and level5_not_residential.

I was merely suggesting that if landuse=residential is tagged, then
anybody who cared about "is this area residential" could get the
answer.  Not that we should somehow infer "this is highway=residential"
and render it differently.

Do you think that level5_residential and level5_not_residential should
be rendered differently?

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