> There are countless old settlements, gold mining camps, road building
> camps, airstrips, and even Native American villages scattered around our
> immense state. Most are indeed abandoned and sometimes I add abandoned=yes
> to the tags, especially if there is no longer any sign of habitation
> visible on satellite imagery.

Thanks Dave,

What tags do you usually add for a former settlement, or for an
abandoned gold mining or road building camp?

Are you using just place=locality with abandoned=yes, or is the tag
"abandoned" always referring to a more specific feature, like
historic=mine or aeroway=aerodrome?

> An Overpass query returned almost 190,000 nodes along with 417 ways and 46
> relations tagged as place=locality, that are located in Alaska.

There are 750k people in Alaska, so there's more than one locality for
every 4 people!

Clearly most of these were imported, probably from GNIS(?).

In your experience, how many of the imported locality nodes seem to be
correctly tagged?

Could many of them be something more specific, like natural=valley,
natural=ridge, natural=peak, natural=bay, railway=junction,
highway=junction, place=island, etc?


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