On Sunday 28 April 2019, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
> Is this first line a clear definition, or can it be improved?
> "Linear ways and areas can be non-verifiable if the geometry cannot
> be demonstrated to be true or false by another mapper."

While that is a correct statement it also applies to nodes and tags and 
does not add any additional information to what is already stated in 
the text before, namely:

> At the core, "verifiability" is that everything you do can be 
demonstrated to be true or false

What would be useful additional information on the verifiability of 
geometries is the distinction between the ability to verifiably 
localize something and the ability to precisely measure its location.  
However i am kind of inclined to agree not to overburden the 
explanation of the basic concept of verifiability with that much 
detail.  And of course the suggestion that proper and precise 
documentation helps applies to recording of geometries as well - not 
only to tags.

Christoph Hormann

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