On 5/1/19, Graeme Fitzpatrick <graemefi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 5/1/2019 7:47 AM, Nita Rae Sanders wrote:
>> > Have we reached the conclusion that a new tagging value is needed ?
> Getting there!
>> > If so, what is the schema for the new value ?
> Still being discussed
>> > Can we move on to a vote ?
> Not yet!
> On Thu, 2 May 2019 at 01:41, Jmapb <jm...@gmx.com> wrote:
>> Personally I'm okay with continuing to use
>> healthcare=centre+healthcare:speciality=emergency.
>> I'm warm to the idea of a healthcare=department tag, but I don't know if
>> it fully expresses the importance of a standalone emergency department.
> I did suggest healthcare=emergency the other day.
> Was thinking about swapping it around to emergency=medical or something
> similar, but then just saw emergency=emergency_ward_entrance
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:emergency%3Demergency_ward_entrance
> ,
> which has been used 600 times.
> How about changing that to either just =emergency_ward or
> =emergency_department?
> Unfortunately, it apparently only currently renders as a normal entrance,
> without the medical colour scheme. As I also mentioned that could be
> rendered as A-E using the hospital white on red colours.
> To muddle things further, there's a possibility that healthcare=* POIs
>> will stop rendering in the default style,
> That will be somewhat annoying :-(
>  Thanks
> Graeme
 My view is that we should focus on getting the schema, keys and
attributes correct, and worry less about the rendering. If the
rendering is not doing the desired thing, then we open a ticket about
that issue, and let the rendering folks deal with it. Right now, I am
more concerned with getting some form of consensus about what the
correct tag=value should be, such that anyone down the road can
quickly understand the meaning of same.

The facilities in question are both a remote appendage to a large
hospital, and a stand alone destination in their own right. The
article I linked up thread makes it clear that a few of these
facilities exist without the major hospital connection, but they are a
very small minority. In Florida, I do not believe they exist at all
(due to state licensing requirements).

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