On 5/1/19, Nita Rae Sanders <cosmic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 5/1/19, Graeme Fitzpatrick <graemefi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 5/1/2019 7:47 AM, Nita Rae Sanders wrote:
>>> > Have we reached the conclusion that a new tagging value is needed ?
>> Getting there!
>>> > If so, what is the schema for the new value ?
>> Still being discussed
>>> > Can we move on to a vote ?
>> Not yet!
>> On Thu, 2 May 2019 at 01:41, Jmapb <jm...@gmx.com> wrote:
>>> Personally I'm okay with continuing to use
>>> healthcare=centre+healthcare:speciality=emergency.
>>> I'm warm to the idea of a healthcare=department tag, but I don't know if
>>> it fully expresses the importance of a standalone emergency department.
>> I did suggest healthcare=emergency the other day.
>> Was thinking about swapping it around to emergency=medical or something
>> similar, but then just saw emergency=emergency_ward_entrance
>> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:emergency%3Demergency_ward_entrance
>> ,
>> which has been used 600 times.
>> How about changing that to either just =emergency_ward or
>> =emergency_department?
>> Unfortunately, it apparently only currently renders as a normal entrance,
>> without the medical colour scheme. As I also mentioned that could be
>> rendered as A-E using the hospital white on red colours.
>> To muddle things further, there's a possibility that healthcare=* POIs
>>> will stop rendering in the default style,
>> That will be somewhat annoying :-(
>>  Thanks
>> Graeme
>  My view is that we should focus on getting the schema, keys and
> attributes correct, and worry less about the rendering. If the
> rendering is not doing the desired thing, then we open a ticket about
> that issue, and let the rendering folks deal with it. Right now, I am
> more concerned with getting some form of consensus about what the
> correct tag=value should be, such that anyone down the road can
> quickly understand the meaning of same.
> The facilities in question are both a remote appendage to a large
> hospital, and a stand alone destination in their own right. The
> article I linked up thread makes it clear that a few of these
> facilities exist without the major hospital connection, but they are a
> very small minority. In Florida, I do not believe they exist at all
> (due to state licensing requirements).
Based on my reading of TagInfo, the pairing of
healthcare=emergency_department is not used at all.

I am tacitly suggesting that these facilities be tagged as
healthcare=emergency_department, hospital=no, with an optional (and
likely present) operator=*, plus the usual addressing information.

amenity shall not be used.

That would both convey that they are an emergency department, that
they are not a full hospital, and who they are associated with.

Comments ?

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