Hi Jane,

Welcome! I'm currently visiting Texas, so I know that firearm restrictions are 
a fact that may be worthwhile to register in OSM. I suggest you write up a 
proposal following the guidelines in the wiki and taking other proposals as 
examples and put it up for comments here. If you feel that there's sufficient 
support for your proposal, you can pass it on to voting.

Good luck!

Best, Jan

Am 9. Mai 2019 21:44:02 GMT-05:00 schrieb Jane Smith 
>Good Evening,
>I am considering submitting a proposal for restrictions or allowances
>carrying firearms in a particular location. I checked through the
>pages and the active features pages and did not see anything related to
>this. The Proposal Process page suggested emailing this list to ensure
>nothing similar is already in use.
>Examples of these restrictions in my area would be signs on buildings
>prohibiting carrying firearms concealed and/or openly. The signs
>would be nodes, but the allowance or restriction would apply to ways.
>Thank you.
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