You make good points. Creating tools for editing OSM is a bit of a
nightmare already (we've had many students try and fail) before having to
grapple with tag decisions.

Here's what you have to do when figuring out how to implement most tags
beyond the few "easy" ones like highway=primary:

- Visit the wiki (you need to know about the wiki being there place to go).
Hope there's an entry (there might not be).

- Attempt to interpret the meaning of an almost certainly underspecified

- Look at some examples of it in use, hope they are representative.

- If you're so inclined, contact this list. Receive strong opinions (at
best) incompatible not just with one another, but the wiki and the use
cases found.

- Make people angry with your decision.

Each of these steps could be improved by having better systems in place for
communication and specification. For example: have wiki editing action
items at the end of most discussions

On Fri, May 24, 2019, 3:58 AM Florian Lohoff <> wrote:

> Hola Nick,
> On Thu, May 23, 2019 at 03:59:17PM -0700, Nick Bolten wrote:
> > So far as I can tell, the topic on this mailing list (as it often is) is
> to
> > gripe about how the iD editor isn't listening to this mailing list (and
> You can broaden that up - All tools around OSM. Same applies hier to all
> editors and at least QA tools. As soon as you point your finger to
> something "This is broken - please fix" you interpret OSM data which
> is likely just a personal or partial view.
> I am running a lot of QA stuff and a lot of that is only my personal
> opinion and i am getting beaten with a stick about those things aswell.
> The more people use your tools the broader your consensus must be in
> interpreting data.
> Flo
> --
> Florian Lohoff                                       
>         UTF-8 Test: The 🐈 ran after a 🐁, but the 🐁 ran away
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