Am 24.05.2019 um 19:37 schrieb Kevin Kenny:
> On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 10:18 AM Christoph Hormann <> wrote:
>> On Friday 24 May 2019, Kevin Kenny wrote:
>>> Unless you intend to produce further evidence (to which I would
>>> listen), I consider the insinuation that the iD developers have a
>>> financial conflict of interest to be highly inappropriate. [...]
>> Please don't put words into my mouth here - i have said what i said and
>> not what you have read into that.
> Forgive me for drawing what appeared to be an obvious inference. If
> you don't want to imply that the project enjoys some sort of unfair
> privilege, or is subject to some sort of unfair influence, by reason
> of its financial support, then why bring it up at all - particularly
> the anonymity? Lost of open-source software projects have received
> donations to support development. Some donors have wished to remain
> anonymous. Mentioning such support in the context of other unfair
> advantages that you see iD as enjoying is highly suggestive, whether
> you intended it or not.

Actually nearly all of the above is true though it is debatable if
having deeper pockets to draw upon is "unfair", but it just isn't a
"conflict of interest". The iD developers and there employers have
neither formal (as in the law) or informal (as in having committed to
any specific behaviour) obligations towards the OSMF and the OSM
community, there simply can't be a CoI if you don't have interests that

Is the situation massively intransparent? Sure and I don't think
comparing with random other OSS projects is warranted as they typically
don't exert control over the content produced in a comparable fashion
(even comparing say to WPs visual editor where undoutably heads would
already be rolling in a similar situation).


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