
I've just mapped the traffic lights for a river crossing in https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/71005300 (Elvington in Yorkshire, England).  There are at least 6 different sets of lights, some to control car traffic only, some cycle traffic only, some a combination (including in some cases also horse traffic). Some lights are button controlled (buttons exist for cars, horse riders and cyclists).  I've tried to follow the "tag all incoming ways" example at https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway%3Dtraffic_signals .

All of the ways where signals are are shared between car, horse and cycle traffic.  There's the remains of a paint line on the road over the bridge which is supposed to indicate a cycle lane (I think).  Pedestrians just have to take their chances - there are a couple of stone refuges on the bridge for them to hide dip into out of the way of cars.  All of the buttons and lights are geared to allow people in whatever mode of transport to get across the bridge; none of them are for non-car traffic to cross the road. There may be ASLs for cyclists at one set of lights either side of the bridge, but unfortunately I can't remember and don't have notes on it.

Along with which direction the light points and what traffic it is designed to control I've added the button info only as note tags at this stage, but is there a better way of doing this?

Best Regards,


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