In 2017 [1] I posted here about the use of the landuse=village_green tagging.
Mainly because it was used against it's definition, which is:

"A village green is a distinctive part of a village centre. It's an area of 
common land (usually grass but may also be a lake), in the centre of a village 
(quintessentially English - defined separately from 'common land' under the 
Commons Registration Act 1965 and the Commons Act 2006)."

The wiki also has 2 additional uses:

"In Spain the tag has been used consensually to map Paseos: often rather 
different in appearance to English village greens, but sharing the functional 
purpose of a common shared space for inhabitants and their activities."

"The German page compares such spaces with the (de)Dorfanger in the East and 
with the (de)Brink in the Northwest of Central Europa."


Because I found out that the tag is greatly misused (mainly to tag all sorts of 
grass in villages and along highways), I did an extended research to get more 
details about this type of use.
My research is based on the OSM dataset of 14 july 2019.

The total number of tags for landuse=village_green is: 91645
I then took a selection of 22 countries  (listed below [3], based on the 
worldwide use on the taginfo map) and compared the uses per country to its use 
in the UK, because that country seems to be the main reason for the existence 
of this tag.

In those 22 countries the tag is used 55721 times and there are 5569 unique 
mappers responsible for using it.

I was surprised to see that in the country where I live, the Netherlands, the 
tag was used 260% more than in the UK.
Given the original definition that a Village Green is a "distinctive part of a 
village centre", you could expect in the Netherlands (based on the number of 
cities/towns/villages where each of those had indeed a Village Green) to find 
at most 2440 Village Greens. Where, then, are the 2691 others located??

And what about the other countries?
I started first by randomly (worldwide, with the help of overpass) looking at 
the map to see what people had marked with the tag, but later created a 
database application which allowed me to load faster the data of the map and 
inspect it.
My strategy was this:
For each of the 22 countries in my list, I sorted on changeset number to have 
the data in oldest-newest format. Interesting to see that its first use (12 
years ago) wasn't in the UK but in Germany, where the tag is anyway used more 
than in any other country. The most recent use was 4 days ago.
I took the two oldest uses, the two most recent uses and one in the middle, to 
create a set (of 110 changesets) for visual inspection of the tag on the map.
The result (based on my earlier look at its use) didn't surprise me at all: 65% 
of the landuse=village_green tag is NOT used according to the definition!
Because I first couldn't believe the result, I started again, but now taking 
only one country and visited 20 randomly changesets. That made things worse: 
sometimes (by being very liberal in my judgement of what a village green could 
be, even accepting a small area of grass somewehere around the village center) 
the misuse raised to 80%!

What can we conclude from this?
In the wiki talk-page [2] I already announced this problem and suggested to 
adapt the wiki to allow for different uses, based on consensus reached per 
country. We do that already for Spain and Germany, although that use is more in 
line with the original use. What I see now is a competely different use.

The most frequent (ab)use now are all areas covered with grass (anywhere in a 
village), the centers of roundabouts, along stretches of highways, and the kind 
of "green" that you see on the photos in the wiki.
This wrong use is understandable: the word "village" and the word "green" both 
lead - for those not being native English speakers nor reading the wiki nor 
knowing anything about the historical context - to using it for the situations 
I mentioned above.

There are of course more occurences of faulty tags for a given situation, but 
not to the extent we see with the landuse=village_green tag.

The number of Village Greens is bound to some upper limit, someday we have all 
of them in OSM, but then people will still use that tag (as they do now) 
because it fits their definition, neglecting the wiki. 
The situation that we have now: mappers are using a key-value pair 
(landuse=village_green) for tagging landuse that is not supposed to be tagged 
that way in at least 65% of the cases I investigated.
In the future that number will rise to the point where almost all use of 
landuse=village_green is wrong.

Does this situation need our attention? And if so, how do we deal with it?

As a side note it is interesting to see that the village_green taging was 
approved [4] in 2006 by two votes in favor and none against!
Marc Zoutendijk



[3] Selected countries for landuse=village_green

1       Colombia        59      
2       Argentina       114     
3       Ireland 178     
4       Denmark 180     
5       India   219     
6       Japan   241     
7       Greece  265     
8       China   293     
9       Turkey  329     
10      Chili           544     
11      Russia  667     
12      Italy           1008    
13      USA             1438    (5535 total use of countries less than UK) 

14      UK              1960    

15      Austria 2173    
16      Belgium 2614    
17      Spain   2856    
18      Brazil  2940    
19      Netherlands     5131    
20      France  6867    
21      Poland  9790    
22      Germany 15855   (48226 total use of countries more than UK)

Total           55721   

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