On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 12:10 AM Joseph Eisenberg
<joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> For your New York State park examples, protect_class=21 might be the best 
> option, so go ahead and add this tagging, in addition to tagging any specific 
> areas within that qualify as a leisure=park or nature_reserve
> But many State parks on the West Coast are similar to national parks, eg many 
> State parks in Oregon, Washington and California are protected because they 
> are areas of outstanding natural beauty. Silver Falls in Oregon is a good 
> example

Of course.  "If it quacks like a duck..."

I've made elsewhere the case that the Adirondack and Catskill Parks in
New York deserve 'boundary=national_park' even though they are state
entities, using the same "it quacks like a duck" argument.
https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/ke9tv/diary/390233  I suspect
strongly that the state parks that behave like 'national_park' are the
exception rather than the rule, but 'nature protected area'
protect_classes are entirely reasonable if that's the park's function.
I just don't very much like seeing baseball diamonds, swimming
beaches, or band shells inside leisure=nature_reserve. (Nobody does,
which is why the problem of 'what OTHER tagging can we use for these
things' has triggered so much controversy.)

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