Am Di., 30. Juli 2019 um 11:47 Uhr schrieb Jo <>:

> By the way, I don't think the 'schism' of some people/countries mapping
> the stops as nodes of/on the highway and others nodes/ways next to the
> highway comes from an import in Switzerland. I think it came from habits in
> mapping of railway infrastructure. At one point, we had a single way for
> multiple tracks, then we added more detail. Back then it made sense to have
> station nodes on those ways.

for me it was a new interpretation as well, that the dispute about bus stop
nodes on the highway and nodes aside the highway was based in an import
which "had the node in the center of the highway". It doesn't seem
completely logical, because it would make an import more complicated, not
less, if you had to add the node to a highway. This topic was discussed a
lot, so it may be rather impossible from reading old threads how it came to
the situation, from what I remember there were numerous proponents in both
camps. and it doesn't really matter, because we are a step further and have
more competing alternatives now ;-)

WRT stations, there were a lot of variations out there in the early days,
some people adding the railway=station tag on the main station building or
a node within the building, others as part of a rail, again others near the
centroid of the rails in the station but not part of a rail and some places
even had nodes with railway=station on every rail in the station. This mess
was structured by inventing stop positions, some stations have been mapped
as polygons, and generally by agreeing to not use more than one
railway=station per station.

Back to your main question: was pt intended to replace the legacy tags,
e.g. bus_stop?
Maybe, but it doesn't really matter what it was intended for, almost 10
years ago. Let's document what we have now. The standing of tags derives
mainly from their usage in the map, and much less from voting in the wiki
(because a deprecation is only about the voting outcome, it isn't about
meaning, as is a proposal).
>From my reading, we now have 2 de-facto tags (tag/combination) for
bus_stops, with the legacy tag still (and maybe forever) dominating the
ptv2 usage (for bus stops).

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